Core Competencies

Company Secretarial , Corporate Affairs , Corporate Governance , Legal Affairs , Search Report & Due Diligence Reports for & on behalf of Banks , XBRL Filing , LLPs & OPCs , Incorporation of Producer Company
  • Ensuring compliance of Company Law matters and statutory provisions.
  • Conducting meetings including those of the Board, Committee, General Meetings and Shareholders.
  • Drafting of Notices, Agenda, Minutes, Resolutions, etc.
  • Dealing with Central Govt, Company Law Board, SEBI, ROC, RD, Stock Exchanges, RBI, etc.
  • Conducting Shareholders / Independent Directors Meeting / Board / Audit Committee / Shareholders' Grievance Committee / Remuneration Committee meetings as required under Companies Act 2013 & 1956 as the case may be / Corporate Governance involving issuance of notices, drafting agenda, recording minutes, etc.
  • Ensuring speedy resolution of queries-complaints to optimise Shareholders' satisfaction.
  • Conducting statutory compliances under the Companies Act and the Listing Agreement.
  • Interfacing with Auditors, Advocates and Consultants.
  • Drafting Legal Documents, Agreements, Resolutions, etc. as well as all types of Contracts, Agreements, Power of Attorneys etc.;
  • Filling requisite documents with Stock Exchanges; interacting for approvals & amendments under the Listing Agreement.
  • Handling simultaneously the Accounts, Finance & Secretarial work of the company and acting as a Liaisoning officer between factory and the Head Office.
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